Friday, October 1, 2010

One Year Anniversary.

Today is the first year anniversary of me officially being a stay-at-home Ibu! How has it been so far? Hmmm, let's see..

It is AWESOME to not have to sulk and worry every Sunday for the fear of getting shouted at during the Monday WIP meeting.

It is AWESOME to wake up every Monday weekday morning and know that I don't have to go to work.

It is AWESOME to not still be in the office at 12 friggin' a.m.

It is AWESOME to have more family time.

It is AWESOME to watch the baby grow up in front of my own eyes.

Okay okay, so it is pretty much awesome all around. However, there are also a few cons..

Unless some freelance job comes in, not so awesome to not get a paycheck every month end.

Unless I bug the husband by calling him every hour while he's in the office, not so awesome to not have adults around to talk to during the day.

Most of all, I miss getting to insult, whack, abuse, attack goof around with these three monkeys.


PixiePwincess said...

I'm green with envy...

qiddas said...

haha! faisal punye muke cam knn.

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