Friday, December 31, 2010

And So It Begins.

As of 27th December 2010, the baby has officially started Mamil Gold formula. First attempt was by me, and he drank a couple of gulps and made funny faces at the taste of the milk. Second attempt was by the Mother's maid, and he drank about 3 ounces. Third attempt was also by the maid, and he drank 4 ounces. No funny faces anymore! So far he has no allergy reaction towards the formula, Alhamdulillah. I thought I would get all emotional but turns out I handled it a lot better than I expected. Well, I would probably will when he finally wean off the boobies.

Anyway, it's the new year's eve, people! What are your plans for tonight? I'm getting too old for all the hoo-haas. But then again, 'hoo-haa' for me was going to Bangsar/ Bukit Bintang's street parties. That was the most happening I could get back then :P So for this year, it'll just be a small family BBQ for me. Whatever your plan is, just remember to be safe! And let us pray for a better year ahead. Happy 2011 :)

Friday, December 17, 2010

Stools and Honey.

It's funny how there are some parents who spend most of their waking hours online, can't even be bothered to do some readings on babies. They know everything when it comes to celebrities gossips or the latest fashion, but when their small baby didn't pass stool for 3 days, they gave the baby some honey. Konon it will help the baby to release some 'brown hostages'.

Okay firstly, the baby is fully breastfeeding so it is normal for them to not pass stool for a few days.

Expert Answers.
Susan Condon, lactation consultant.

What goes in must come out, so just about every feeding in the early weeks following birth should produce a bowel movement. The number and type of movements your baby has will indicate whether he's getting enough to eat.

During the meconium phase (the first few days after birth), your baby may have four or five tarry, dark, greenish-black stools spread out over two or three days. As your colostrum develops into mature milk, he should have at least two to five bowel movements in a 24-hour period for the first six weeks. He may even have had a bowel movement every time you change his diaper throughout the day.

After six weeks, it's normal for some babies to have fewer bowel movements, though others may continue having frequent ones. Don't be alarmed if your baby has a bowel movement only once a week. He's not constipated unless his stools are hard and dry. If your baby's producing loose, unformed stools with a pea soup consistency and cottage cheese-like curds, he's getting a good balance of foremilk and hindmilk. Don't be concerned if his diaper overflows!

Once your exclusively breastfed baby begins eating solids (between 6 and 8 months of age), his stools will get firmer and have a stronger odor.

And secondly, what were you thinking giving the baby honey?!

Honey: Honey can harbor spores of Clostridium botulinum, which causes botulism. An adult's intestinal tract can prevent the growth of these spores, but in a baby the spores can grow and produce life-threatening toxins.

Please. Do. Some. Readings! I strongly recommend, it is packed with useful information.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Random Snap 07: Broken English Much?

Spotted at SS2. Gelak guling-guling when I saw this.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Guilty, Yet Again.

For abandoning this blog. I've been lazy, I admit that!

The baby is growing up so fast. Dulu masa kecik tergolek je atas katil, cannot do anything. Now he's running up and down, climbing the tables and stairs, demanding things and throwing tantrums. Aiyoma!

He's turning 18 months in a few days time, and I'm beginning to consider introducing formula milk to him some time in January 2011, and wean off when he turns 24 months in June 2011. Six months to train and to find the suitable formula for him. Should be okay, right?

My milk supply has dropped, so it has been pretty challenging to make stocks for whenever I need to leave him with the in-laws to run some errands (or go out on a date with the husband :P). So. Which formula is recommended? I already have some Mamil Gold samples, perhaps I will start with that. But I am open to options, as long as it doesn't cost a bomb per tin!

He's pretty much obsessed with Thomas & Friends now. Siap pandai unlock the iPod and choose Thomas & Friends game application to play. Budak-budak zaman sekarang. Canggih betul! Whenever he throws a tantrum, just sing Thomas's theme song. Sure senyap terus.
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